About me

My name is Sara Mansutti and I am a PhD student in Digital Humanities at the University College Cork.

I was born and grew up in Udine, in Northeast Italy, and in the same city, I attended my Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree in Italian Philology and Literature.

My Master’s thesis involved the transcription and analysis of a mid Sixteenth-century manuscript inventory of books, kept inside the Zornale of Francesco de Madiis at the Marciana Library.

During my studies, I have had the great opportunities to do two internships abroad: the first at the John Rylands Library of Manchester and the second in the Manuscript Department of the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin.

Between 2017 and 2018, I worked at the Biblioteca Ariostea of Ferrara on a project concerning the Sixteenth-century editions of Ludovico Ariosto.
The following year, I was employed as a teacher of Italian, History and Geography in a middle school near Udine.

Furthermore, I hold a diploma in Archival, Palaeographical and Diplomatic Studies from the State Archive of Trieste.

Currently, I am part of the EURONEWS Project, funded by the Irish Research Council, and I am a Doctoral Research Fellow at the Medici Archive Project.

Since 2016 I have also been a member of the Italian Youth Association of UNESCO, the largest youth network in the UNESCO international community.
